Reduce Trauma and Increase Safety

It is believed that economic abuse is present in nearly 100% of cases of domestic violence. Economic abuse is also one of the most difficult aspects of abuse to overcome. When an abusive partner controls the money and assets and does not allow the victim to work or takes their check if they are allowed to work, a victim has no access to vital resources to escape the abuse. Having safe housing options available to victims is a life saver. Victims are more likely to leave the abusive partner if they have safe, affordable housing for more than a few nights. Nationwide, 90% of homeless women report being homeless due to domestic violence.
The FCC has started an innovative housing program called SHI (Safe Housing Initiative) where the FCC works closely with landlords to assist victims of abuse in leaving by removing barriers to safe housing. If you are a landlord or know of a landlord who may be interested in learning more about our SHI program, please contact us at 1-800-464-8340. Together we can reduce trauma and increase safety for victims of violence and their children.
The Family Crisis Center is always in need of housing.
If you have living spaces or know of secure vacant housing.
Please contact us now: 800.464.8340