You Have the Right to Choose

I Have The Right:
- To trust myself and my instincts.
- To refuse a date.
- To ask for a date.
- To suggest things to do.
- To refuse to do something, even if my date is excited about doing it.
- To be respected as a person.
- To disagree.
- To have my limits respected.
- To be listened to.
- To say “no.”
- To be cared about.
- To refuse touching.
- To refuse sex with anyone, even after a date that costs a lot.
- To stop dating some-one who puts me down in public or private.
- To leave a person who hits or slaps me.
- To break up with someone who hurts me, even if I love them.
- To break up with someone who hurts me, even if they love me.
- To break up with someone who makes me feel bad.
- To ask for help if I need it.
Does Your Partner:
- Have a bad and unpredictable temper?
- Hurt you or threaten to hurt you or kill you?
- Threaten to harm or take away your pets?
- Threaten to commit suicide if you leave them?
- Destroy your belongings?
- Force you to have sex or do sexual things you are not comfortable with?

Are your rights being abused?
You do not have to live in fear. There is help for you.
If your partner wants to change we can assist them in finding help too.
CALL NOW 800.464.8340