Signs That You Are in an Abusive Relationship

Does Your Partner:
- Humiliate and criticize you either alone or in front of others?
- Ignore or put down your opinions or accomplishments?
- Act excessively jealous and possessive, constantly checks up on you?
- Control where you go including keeping you from family and friends?
- Limits your access to the car, money or phone?
- Treats you so badly that you are embarrassed for family and friends to see?
- Treats you like property or a sex object rather than a person?
- Blame you for their abusive behavior?
Do They:
- Have a bad and unpredictable temper?
- Hurt you or threaten to hurt you or kill you?
- Threaten to harm or take away your children or pets?
- Threaten to commit suicide if you leave them?
- Destroy your belongings?
- Force you to have sex or do sexual things you are not comfortable with?

Do You:
- Feel emotionally numb or helpless?
- Wonder if you are the one who is crazy?
- Believe the bad things your partner says about you?
- Feel afraid of them much of the time?
- Attempt to change your behavior to keep them calm?
- Believe that the abuse is somehow your fault?
If you are experiencing even some of these things your partner is abusive.
You do not have to live in fear. There is help for you.
If your partner wants to change we can assist them in finding help too.
CALL NOW 800.464.8340